Life and Times at Cranberry Lake

This blog is about the life, wild and otherwise, in this immediate area of Northeast Pennsylvania. I hope you can join me and hopefully realize and value that common bond we share with all living things... from the insect, spider, to the birds and the bears... as well as that part of our spirit that wishes to be wild and free.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Gayle's First Day at Her Puppy Raiser's.


  • At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, have seen your blogs and wonder if you can help!
    I have a letter from a Sergeant John Cawley dated 12/1/1832 who cliamed to live 25 miles from St John's (N.C.)in Hardwood Hill on a farm behind which is Cranberry Lake.
    Could you please say if yours is the correct 'Cranberry Lake'.
    I would like to trace the origins andescendant of a person with my name. John (Sean) Cawley

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Seán said…

    Hi, have seen your blogs and wonder if you can help!
    I have a letter from a Sergeant John Cawley dated 12/1/1832 who claimed to live 25 miles from St John's (N.C.)in Hardwood Hill on a farm behind which is Cranberry Lake.
    Could you please say if yours is the correct 'Cranberry Lake'.
    I would like to trace the origins and descendant of a person with my name: John (Sean) Cawley


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