Review of Nora Ephron's I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK
It says on the cover flap of Ephron's hard cover book, I Feel Bad about my Neck, "With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and dry sense of humor, nora Ephron shares with us her ups and downs..."
I thought it quite frivolous and so not me at the beginning, but the more I read the more I realized just by being a woman near her age (I'm two years older), we had lots in common. We older women all worry about losing our looks--knowing fully that it's more important to us than anyone else who knows and loves you.
She takes the complex idiosyncrasies of life and laughs at herself and in seeing life through her eyes, she holds them up to the light so we can see how simple and humorous, yet beautiful our life and ourselves really are.
If nothing else, Nora Ephron helps a woman to realize how much we love ourselves and this it is not egotistical, but just natural. We weed our lawns and gardens because we love our land and our flowers, do we not? If we didn't love ourselves, why would we bother doing things to make ourselves feel beautiful? No one is going to love us better for looking younger, lovelier, for dressing ourselves up in the same ilk as putting accenting fern or lacy flowers in a vase with a rose. But we know by doing so we show the world what a unique and wonderful flower that is... and aren't we all unique and wonderful in our own ways?
Ephron points to how futile it is to stay young or to try to look young, but still does it. More power to her and other aging women. We aren't "...going softly into that good night," but fighting the decline of our bodies and minds ALL THE WAY. After reading her book, I feel one can either be a character and play up that personality, or show off who you really are in your own way, whether to wear a hat at a tilt, paint your nails, totter around dangerously in high heels, or wear wacky socks with your most comfortable sneakers-- Do it your own way. Adorn yourself, not to be an advertisement for a better pair of jeans, but to show off your shape and person whom Creation made. Find "your" own look; your own nook, and BE your own kooky self.
Thanks Nora. I needed that! I think we all need that.
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