Ye Gods!! Now that we have the Dish Network, and access to CNN; Fox News; and all the news the world could possibly supply, we have access to all the problems and troubles of the world. Listening to the news is like the opposite to a prayer. It's like a prayer to the listeners, " Watch out for this, did you hear about this and that, and ain't it awful all the terrible things happening to everyone everywhere"...and what the heck are we going to do about it!!?? I sure the hell don't know.
I realize that anyone's depression could be blamed on hearing too much about too much, and it's like an overload of bad news.
Like someone wanting to see what an accident on the highway is all about... they have no further to go but their armchair in their living room. Yes...I know one only has to turn it off... flick to another channel. There is a remote, but when it's not in my hands,I like to retreat to the coolness of the downstairs even in the cold weather when I could get hypothermia sitting here at the computer. I could also watch something more cheerful on the TV downstairs... but I just want my house back. I want my sanity back. I'm going to avoid people who have respiratory problems in case they've been around someone infected from Mexico and so forth... and will be washing my hands more with this Swine Flu pandemic at hand. Now, that's real news that we should know about. I think water-boarding is torture. Torture doesn't have to mean possible death to be torture. But what's done is done, and our government has been slapped on the hands, and hopefully we can move on. I only wish mankind would stop thinking of the most horrible things to do to one another. Sometimes I think we'd be safer in the midst of wild animals from the sounds from the TV set spreading the news of anything that is awful ...what they exist upon.
I just 15 minutes turned to Tom and said: "You know, they have to have something to say all the time. They have to dig, dig, dig up all the news and in a way so that people are going to listen."
He says, "Fox News gives both sides. It's fair."
I say, "But... Who wants to know everything bad in the world. Just sit there and listen to everything that is bad that has happened ever and now and in the future what bad is going to happen and so much horrible stuff that we can't do anything about? What are we supposed to do with all this stuff? It's too much for me to hear. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it. Write to my senator to tell them our government shouldn't water-board any more? To call our representatives in Washington to tell them not to throw away any more of our tax dollars? I think they've heard enough. They are on overload as well. We are all on overload.
I say go to Facebook and play Jeweled Blitz. Go play your computer games.
If the gnats don't drive you nuts, GET OUTSIDE. Walk up a high hill and look across a valley.
The Dish Network
Then say, "God is in heaven, all's right with the world."
"Let me know, Lord, if there is something I can do and I'll do it." I can't go off in 360 different directions trying to answer the prayers of the world all by myself. I can't even try. I end up frustrated and glued to one spot in not knowing which of the 360 directions to go in first. I think it's best to be proactive, but await instructions from someone BIGGER than I am. As for any reader who doesn't believe in God... good luck. If there is no God, then it IS all up to you. I guess all I'm saying is God help us. I think if we do what we can in the now... within our realm of life... whatever we feel in our hearts must be done, that is God's way of guiding us. Or you can say the Force of life guiding us. There does seem to be a rhythm of life and a magnetism of things that bring the right people together to solve one problem at a time... one here one there one somewhere else... With the help of whatever the Universal force IS that makes the world turn in a place where all the forces to make life livable came together... WON'T that Universal force guide us in our own inimitable way? I think so... If I didn't think so, I'd lose the will to live.
I realize that anyone's depression could be blamed on hearing too much about too much, and it's like an overload of bad news.
Like someone wanting to see what an accident on the highway is all about... they have no further to go but their armchair in their living room. Yes...I know one only has to turn it off... flick to another channel. There is a remote, but when it's not in my hands,I like to retreat to the coolness of the downstairs even in the cold weather when I could get hypothermia sitting here at the computer. I could also watch something more cheerful on the TV downstairs... but I just want my house back. I want my sanity back. I'm going to avoid people who have respiratory problems in case they've been around someone infected from Mexico and so forth... and will be washing my hands more with this Swine Flu pandemic at hand. Now, that's real news that we should know about. I think water-boarding is torture. Torture doesn't have to mean possible death to be torture. But what's done is done, and our government has been slapped on the hands, and hopefully we can move on. I only wish mankind would stop thinking of the most horrible things to do to one another. Sometimes I think we'd be safer in the midst of wild animals from the sounds from the TV set spreading the news of anything that is awful ...what they exist upon.
I just 15 minutes turned to Tom and said: "You know, they have to have something to say all the time. They have to dig, dig, dig up all the news and in a way so that people are going to listen."
He says, "Fox News gives both sides. It's fair."
I say, "But... Who wants to know everything bad in the world. Just sit there and listen to everything that is bad that has happened ever and now and in the future what bad is going to happen and so much horrible stuff that we can't do anything about? What are we supposed to do with all this stuff? It's too much for me to hear. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it. Write to my senator to tell them our government shouldn't water-board any more? To call our representatives in Washington to tell them not to throw away any more of our tax dollars? I think they've heard enough. They are on overload as well. We are all on overload.
I say go to Facebook and play Jeweled Blitz. Go play your computer games.
If the gnats don't drive you nuts, GET OUTSIDE. Walk up a high hill and look across a valley.
The Dish Network
Then say, "God is in heaven, all's right with the world."
"Let me know, Lord, if there is something I can do and I'll do it." I can't go off in 360 different directions trying to answer the prayers of the world all by myself. I can't even try. I end up frustrated and glued to one spot in not knowing which of the 360 directions to go in first. I think it's best to be proactive, but await instructions from someone BIGGER than I am. As for any reader who doesn't believe in God... good luck. If there is no God, then it IS all up to you. I guess all I'm saying is God help us. I think if we do what we can in the now... within our realm of life... whatever we feel in our hearts must be done, that is God's way of guiding us. Or you can say the Force of life guiding us. There does seem to be a rhythm of life and a magnetism of things that bring the right people together to solve one problem at a time... one here one there one somewhere else... With the help of whatever the Universal force IS that makes the world turn in a place where all the forces to make life livable came together... WON'T that Universal force guide us in our own inimitable way? I think so... If I didn't think so, I'd lose the will to live.